Mobile App FAQ

Below is a list of all current FAQs to the AlayaCare Mobile App.
Please use this document as a troubleshooting reference guide. If issue is not resolved after going through the steps in this guide, please search through Zendesk articles or have your super user submit a Zendesk ticket.
💡 Support Tip: You can troubleshoot the issues below in your staging environment
🤝 Community Tip: If you want to make a picture or GIF bigger, simply click on it and it should open in a new tab!
- I am having issues clocking into a visit on the Mobile App
- Is there any way to detect phone number in the app and make a call?
- Users are experiencing a 500 internal server error when trying to log in
- The mobile app keeps freezing or crashing
- I cannot clock out of an old visit from the Open activities screen
- I am unable to view any Service Tasks when clocking into visit on the AlayaCare app
1. I am having issues clocking into a visit on the Mobile App
The most likely reason for this issue is if you have clocked into a previous visit and forgot to clock out. You can check this by logging into the AlayaCare app and going into Open Activities. If you are clocked into any other visit, clock out of that visit first and then try clocking into the other visit.
2. Is there any way to detect phone number in the app and make a call?
If Users cannot see the phone number button in the app in the client’s profile, please make sure the Permission: View client phones on mobile is enabled for Field Portal Roles.
3. Users are experiencing a 500 internal server error when trying to log in
This may be caused by a session timeout duration. Please go to Systems Settings and make sure the ‘Session Duration (In Minutes)’ in greater than 0.
4. The mobile app keeps freezing or crashing
Make sure you have the most updated version of the app and try deleting/reinstalling the mobile application. If that doesn’t help, log a Zendesk ticket and the CX team will escalate further.
5. I cannot clock out of an old visit from the Open activities screen
This may be caused by not completing all the required Service Tasks. Follow the steps below to resolve this issue:
- Select Open Activities.
- Select View all
- Click the visit tile, NOT the clock out symbol from this page.
- Once brought to the visit, select the red clock out option.
- AlayaCare will show a warning indicating what is not complete in the visit e.g., Interventions are not complete.
- Complete any outstanding tasks.
- Press clock out button in the upper right of the screen or on the overview tab of the visit.
6. I am unable to view any Service Tasks when clocking into visit on the AlayaCare app
The most likely cause for this issue is that you have clocked into a client via the caseload. In order to correctly clock into a scheduled visit, click the main menu > click schedule > click on the visit tile > Scroll and click Service Tasks. You should be able to see the Service Tasks for the scheduled visit here.
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