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Sandata - EVV FAQ

AlayaCareAlex Administrator admin
edited July 2023 in EVV FAQ

Please use this document as a troubleshooting reference guide. If issue is not resolved after going through the steps in this guide, please search through Zendesk articles or have your super user submit a Zendesk ticket. 

💡 Support Tip: You can troubleshoot the issues below in your staging environment

🤝 Community Tip: If you want to make a picture or GIF bigger, simply click on it and it should open in a new tab!

A note on Pre-validation vs Post-validation errors

There are two types of errors you will notice when you download the Visit _Responses csv file within the EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) export folder:

a) Pre-validation error

b) Post validation error

Pre-validation errors are internal errors generated by AlayaCare to account for errors that may be potentially flagged by the aggregator. Pre-validation errors do not have an error code associated with them in the visit responses file.

Example of a pre-validation error: No error code

Post-validation errors are the errors that come directly from Sandata and have an error code. These are the errors that are received back in response to the export file that has been sent from AlayaCare.

Example of a post-validation error: Error code present


  1. I see multiple files in the downloaded EVV export folder for Sandata. What do these files mean?
  2. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) data to Sandata: ClientPhone - string does not match regex "^[0-9]{10}$"
  3. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) data to Sandata: Undefined Error: The PayerID format is incorrect. The record should satisfy this regular expression [${regexp}]. Invalid Value
  4. I am getting an error: Total visit time cannot exceed 24 hours
  5. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: __root__ - None - Inconsistencies in client data. Check Client_Responses.csv file for more information
  6. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: Error Code: -1021, Message: Client not found
  7. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: Tasks - TRANSPORTATION - TaskID must be in ['0110', '0120', '0130', '0140', '0150', '0160', '0170', '0180', '0190', '0200', '0210', '0220', '0230', '0240', '0250', '0260', '0270', '0280', '0290', '0300', '0310', '0320', '0330', '0340', '0350', '0360', '0370', '0380', '0390', '0400', '0410']
  8. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: The ReasonCode format is incorrect. The record should satisfy this regular expression ['10|20
  9. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: ERROR: The MissingMedicaidID format is incorrect. The record should satisfy this regular expression [${regexp}]. Invalid Value
  10. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: ERROR: The EmployeeSSN format is incorrect. The record should satisfy this regular expression [${regexp}]. Invalid Value
  11. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) data to Sandata: Undefined Error: The PayerProgram format is incorrect. The record should satisfy this regular expression [${regexp}]. Invalid Value

1. I see multiple files in the downloaded EVV export folder for Sandata. What do these files mean?

When you download and open a Sandata EVV export folder, you will notice that there are several different CSV and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files available to review.

There are 3 independent types of data provided through the Alternate EVV interface:

  • Clients: Client general information, Client payor information & Client address
  • Employees (Field Staff/Caregiver): Employee general information
  • Visit Information: Visit General information, Calls, Visit Exception acknowledgement, Visit changes & Visit transmittals.

The ‘data’ files with .JSON extension (Client, Caregiver & Visit) has the information that is sent from AlayaCare, while the ‘post_response_data’ files with .JSON extension (Client, Caregiver & Visit) has the response received from Sandata for the data that is sent.

There are also CSV files for Client, Caregiver & Visit that have the information about the data that is sent from AlayaCare and the response received from Sandata. The success (column D) in the Visit_Response file will either display TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether the visit has been sent successfully from AlayaCare to Sandata or not.

If there is any issue with the client, caregiver or the visit, it will be shown within the error_description (column O), and once the information is corrected, the EVV export can be resent from AlayaCare.

2. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) data to Sandata: ClientPhone - string does not match regex "^[0-9]{10}$"

This is a pre-validation error related to the Phone (Main) field on the Client Demographics > Contact Info screen. This field should not have any dashes or parentheses (round brackets), i.e., you need to simply enter the phone number without any special characters or spaces.

Please update the Phone (Main) field for the client records that are failing with the above error to only include numbers.

Once this is completed, please resend the EVV export(s) having visits with this error from AlayaCare.

3. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) data to Sandata: Undefined Error: The PayerID format is incorrect. The record should satisfy this regular expression [${regexp}]. Invalid Value

This is a pre-validation error due to incorrect payer ID format. Please review the Sandata specification file for the payor in question, and review/correct the payer ID under Accounting Settings > Electronic Billing Payors > Payor > Payor Payer ID field within AlayaCare and save the changes.

Once this is completed, please resend the EVV export(s) with visits that are failing due to this error.

4. I am getting an error: Total visit time cannot exceed 24 hours

This error suggests that when the visit was sent from AlayaCare to Sandata as a part of the EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) export, the total visit duration was greater than 24 hours.

Please refer to this Zendesk article that walks through the process of adjusting the start and end times on the visit, so that the total duration is under 24 hours.

5. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: __root__ - None - Inconsistencies in client data. Check Client_Responses.csv file for more information

This error means that the client/visit you are trying to send the EVV information was rejected before sending the information to Sandata, because of missing information. The Visit_Response file will have visit(s) that will show the above error, while the exact details about what is missing will be included within Client_Response file.

As an example, the Visit_Responses file in the below screenshot shows the following error for one of the visits: ‘__root__ - None - Inconsistencies in client data. Check Client_Responses.csv file for more information

On reviewing the Client_Responses file for the same EVV export zip file and by mapping it to the corresponding client AC ID, you will be able to find more information about why the visit has been rejected, and what information needs to be updated for the visit to be sent out successfully from AlayaCare to Sandata.

In this case, the client’s address information is missing within AlayaCare, and once this is filled out as a part of Client Profile > Demographics > Client Info, the EVV export(s) having these visits can be resent from AlayaCare to remove this error.

6. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: Error Code: -1021, Message: Client not found

This error means the client you are trying to send the EVV information is rejected by Sandata. Typically, you would need to review the Client_Responses file available under the EVV export zip file that gets downloaded to find out more information about why the client is getting rejected.

One of the common reasons why a client may get rejected is if the client’s zip code is not 5 or 9 digits under the Client profile > Demographics > Contact Info > Zip code. This may happen if a zip code has a dash/hyphen (-), which would make it more than 9 digits.

Once this information is corrected, the EVV export(s) having these visits can be resent from AlayaCare to remove this error.

7. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: Tasks - TRANSPORTATION - TaskID must be in ['0110', '0120', '0130', '0140', '0150', '0160', '0170', '0180', '0190', '0200', '0210', '0220', '0230', '0240', '0250', '0260', '0270', '0280', '0290', '0300', '0310', '0320', '0330', '0340', '0350', '0360', '0370', '0380', '0390', '0400', '0410']

This error means that the service task within client’s care plan called ‘TRANSPORTATION’ does not have a task code associated with it. To fix this error, you will need to edit the client’s care plan within AlayaCare, available under Client Profile > Care Management > Care Plan and ensure that the service task include a task code, as defined within the Sandata Arizona specification file.

Once this is completed, you can change the visit status to ‘Not Approved’ from Schedules > Visit Verification and re-run the visit verification process.

Further, review the visit again to ensure proper reason code and resolution codes are filled out, along with bill and pay quantity as desired, save the changes and resend the EVV export(s) to remove this error.

8. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: The ReasonCode format is incorrect. The record should satisfy this regular expression ['10|20

This error means that the reason code attached to the reason filled out on the visit is not supported by Sandata.

Typically, you would need to change the visit status to ‘Not Approved’ and then re-run the visit through visit verification process again for it to pick up the correct reason and resolution codes that are supported by Sandata.

You may need to create another rule set that has reason codes and resolution codes specific to Sandata, and then connect that rule set with the respective payor and/or service code on the visit. Further, you can change the visit status to ‘Not Approved’, re-run it through the visit verification process again, approve the visit and resend the EVV export.

The reason and resolution codes can be added under Accounting Settings > Verification Reasons. Check out this Zendesk article for more on how to configure VV and resolutions.

9. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: ERROR: The MissingMedicaidID format is incorrect. The record should satisfy this regular expression [${regexp}]. Invalid Value

This error means that the Medicaid ID filled out on the Client Profile > Demographics > Member ID field is incorrect. This is a unique ID provided by the State Medicaid program for the client record. Please ensure that the correct identifier is filled out in this field, save the client profile, and resend the EVV exports having visits that have failed with this error.

10. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV data to Sandata: ERROR: The EmployeeSSN format is incorrect. The record should satisfy this regular expression [${regexp}]. Invalid Value

This error means that the Employee SSN (Social Security Number) filled out on the Employee Profile > Employment > Employment Settings > SIN/SSN ID field is either missing or incorrect.

If the full 9-digit SSN# is not available, 4 zeros followed by the last 5 digits of Employee SSN is acceptable as well.

Please ensure that the correct identifier is filled out in this field, save the employee profile, and resend the EVV exports having visits that have failed with this error.

11. I am getting the following error for a client/visit on sending EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) data to Sandata: Undefined Error: The PayerProgram format is incorrect. The record should satisfy this regular expression [${regexp}]. Invalid Value

This is a pre-validation error due to incorrect Program ID format.

Please review the Sandata specification file for the payor in question, and review/correct the Program ID under Accounting Settings > Electronic Billing Payors > Payor > Program ID field within AlayaCare and save the changes.

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