Explores in DE 2.0 - FAQs

Here is a list of all current FAQs related to Explores in Data Exploration 2.0. Please use this document as a troubleshooting reference guide. If your issue is not resolved after going through the steps in this guide, please search through Zendesk articles or have your super user submit a Zendesk ticket.
💡 Support Tip: You can troubleshoot the issues below in your staging environment
🤝 Community Tip: If you want to make a picture or GIF bigger, simply click on it and it should open in a new tab!
- What are Explores in AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0, and how do they function?
- What types of data can I explore using AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0 Explores?
- Are the data visualizations in Explores real-time or based on historical data?
- Can Explores be accessed and used by different roles within an organization?
- Is there training available to enhance proficiency in utilizing AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0 Explores?
1. What are Explores in AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0, and how do they function?
Explores are user-friendly and interactive data exploration modules within AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0. These modules enable users to analyze and visualize specific datasets related to healthcare, social services, and community outreach programs.
Explores work through a user interface that allows individuals to interact with various data dimensions and metrics. Users can apply filters, select visualization types such as charts and graphs, and drill down into the data to gain valuable insights and make informed, data-driven decisions.
2. What types of data can I explore using AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0 Explores?
AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0 provides a wide range of Explores, each focused on analyzing specific datasets relevant to your organization's needs. Some of the key Explores include, but are not limited to:
- Visit Explore: Examine client satisfaction, visit details, and service provider assignments to enhance the overall quality of care and support. See this post for examples of the data available in the Visit Explore.
- Service and Service Code Explore: Analyze service utilization and trends to optimize service delivery. See this post for examples of the data available in the Service and Service Code Explore.
- Employee and Employee Historical Explore: Gain insights into staff performance, information, and workload for efficient resource management. See this post for examples of the data available in the Employee and Employee Historical Explore.
- Invoice Item and Payroll Item Explores: Dive into financial metrics and billing data to ensure financial stability. See this post for examples of the data available in the Invoice Item and Payroll Item Explores.
- Client Explore: Explore client demographics and profiles to better understand the individuals you serve. See this post for examples of the data available in the Client Explore.
AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0 Explores enable your organization to make informed decisions and drive positive outcomes based on comprehensive data analysis.
3. Are the data visualizations in Explores real-time or based on historical data?
The data visualizations in AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0 Explores can be based on both real-time and historical data. Users can specify date ranges and update the data to view the latest information or analyze historical trends.
For real-time data, please be aware that any revisions made in your production environment will be reflected in Data Exploration 2.0 after the next scheduled data refresh job. Each data refresh job typically takes, on average, 30 minutes to complete after initiation and the maximum duration it might take is around 2 hours. This timing can vary depending on how long each Explore takes to refresh, as they're refreshed individually during the update process.
For more details about the data refresh schedule of Data Exploration 2.0, please refer to this Zendesk article.
4. Can Explores be accessed and used by different roles within an organization?
Yes, AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0 supports role-based access control, allowing different users to access Explores based on their roles and ACL permissions. For example, administrators, clinicians, and executives may have access to different sets of Explores and data.
Each Explore has an Access Control List (ACL) to manage data access. Whenever a new Explore is added, a corresponding ACL is created to regulate its access. For a comprehensive list of additional ACL permissions that can be enabled or disabled for Data Exploration 2.0, please refer to this Zendesk article.
5. Is there training available to enhance proficiency in utilizing AlayaCare Data Exploration 2.0 Explores?
Yes, AlayaCare offers various resources to assist users in understanding and utilizing Data Exploration 2.0. These include helpful articles such as Data Exploration Video Overview, which contains instructional videos as well as these additional links:
- Creating a new Look in Data Exploration
- Viewing and exploring saved Looks in Data Exploration
- Downloading content from a Look or Explore in Data Exploration
- Merging the results of queries in different Explores in Data Exploration
- Managing dashboards in Data Exploration
Additionally, if you would like a personalized 1:1 training in addition to exploring our Zendesk articles, please don't hesitate to contact your dedicated Account Manager for your organization. They can assist in connecting you with our Professional Service Teams, who can offer further training resources tailored to your needs for a low cost.
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