Medication Transition

Welcome to the community group for Medication 1.0 to 2.0 Transition. This group is intended for agencies that are currently documenting all medication activities with AlayaCare Cloud's Medication module.

This group will provide you with updates and transitional material for your agency to learn about the new Medication workflows.

What is changing?

Medication 2.0 is AlayaCare’s new medication tracking, administration, and reconciliation module. Accompanying app performance improvements is a new approach to enhance our clinical workflow capabilities. As an upgrade to our Medications 1.0 solution, its key benefits are:

  • Additional reporting capability: Medications 2.0 allows users to easily create medication administration reports and pull information into 485 forms so to meet CMS requirements.
  • Custom medication library: the medication library allows the easy entry, storage and retrieval of data when required. Nurses and caregivers can save time on administration tasks and more on delivering care to their clients.
  • Overall configurability: The new settings in Medications 2.0 can be configured to meet agency specific requirements when entering medication details.

For a full list of what is available on Medication 2.0, download the 1.0 vs. 2.0 Comparison Chart.

You may also refer to this article for a sneak peak on a new feature called Medication Administration.

As AlayaCare continues to improve on this new Medication 2.0 Module, you will continue to see new features and enhancements.

What is the transition timeline?

As of December 2024, some users have already started with this transition process. We kindly ask all current customers to transition by the end of February 2025.

If anything prevents your team from transitioning, please communicate with @YHuang .

Getting started

To begin your transition, please review the transition guide and checklist that we have linked in our Announcements below.

  1. Familiarize yourself with Medications 2.0 and train your staff: Review the videos on Medications 2.0 in ACU Foundations to gain an understanding of Medications 2.0. If your organization already has ACU Certifications you can also view the videos there.  
  2. Review Medication Profiles in UAT: Starting November 10 
  3. The new version of the Medications Module will be available in your UAT environment to review and test.  
  4. During this stage, data migration will be enabled in your UAT environment. At this time, please review your client medication profiles. 
  5. Review the Transition User Guide. 
  6. Register for the training webinar. 
  7. Attend Training Webinar: Register to attend 1 of 2 training webinars hosted by our Customer Success Team on either November 14 at 12pm ET or December 3 at 1pm ET
  8. Our Customer Success Team will be hosting a webinar session to train your organization on the best practices for this transition. 
  9. Please ensure that your clinical team lead is present for this important session. 
  10. Communicate the Transition Plan with your Agency: Complete any remaining training as necessary with your staff. 
  11. Starting on December 2, 2024, schedule Production go-live date: Start the transition from your UAT environment to your Staging and Production environment. 

If your organization does not use the Medication Module, you can turn it off in the system settings feature menu. You can learn more about understanding feature flags here.  

How to use this Group

Please use the "Discussions" section below to provide us with any feedback/ask any questions you might have on the transition process.

If you have feedback on the Medications 2.0 feature, please add it to the Ideas Board.

Please note: Any discussions or comments made in this Group during the Beta period may be archived before the feature moves to General Availability to ensure there is no confusion.

Owner: AlayaCareAlexLeaders: AlayaCareAlex, YHuangCreated on March 7, 202410 membersPrivacy: Private