Visit Verification FAQ

Here is a list of all current FAQs related to Visit Verification. Please use this document as a troubleshooting reference guide. If issue is not resolved after going through the steps in this guide, please search through Zendesk articles or have your super user submit a Zendesk ticket.
💡 Support Tip: You can troubleshoot the issues below in your staging environment
🤝 Community Tip: If you want to make a picture or GIF bigger, simply click on it and it should open in a new tab!
Table of Contents:
- How do I know who ran visit verification for a visit?
- How do I know who made changes to visit verification information on a visit?
- Why am I seeing a count in Unverified after I ran verification?
- Why does a visit show an exception of "No Work Session" even when employee has clocked in and out of the visit?
- How do I re-run verification for a visit that was already approved, and I made a change to verification rules?
- What does the effective date on the rule set mean?
- I am trying to link reasons to some of my rules, however my reasons list is not populating.
- I ran visit verification, and the visit continues to remain under "Failed Verification" tab with the exception "No Rule Set Found". The reason code is gray, and nothing can be selected.
- I ran visit verification today and several cancelled shifts were caught in VV (Visit Verification). From my understanding, cancelled shifts that do not have a billable/payable cancelled code would not be caught in VV.
- Some visits get incorrectly flagged in violation because of the Clocked In/Clock Out location but should not. For example, Clock In/Out were 240m away from the client's location according to the geo map, but they are flagged incorrectly as 4KMs away in Visit Verification.
- I am trying to approve a visit from the Time Approval tab at the visit level, but this option is grayed out, and it does not allow me to perform the action.
- I am getting an error “Queuing failed- duplicate criteria” on the Failed Verifications tab, when trying to reset visits to not approved status.
1. How do I know who ran visit verification for a visit?
The "View Revisions" button will allow you to see the changes made on a visit. You can navigate to the "List" icon and the user who ran the visit verification will have their name displayed under the "Revision by" column with the field displayed as "approval_status" and the new value marked as “True”.
2. How do I know who made changes to visit verification information on a visit?
The "View Revisions" button will allow you to see the changes made on a visit. This will open a new dialogue and you can navigate to the "List" icon to see details around what information was updated while verifying the visit, along with a date and timestamp as well as the name of the user who made the change.
3. Why am I seeing a count in Unverified after I ran verification?
Unverified count may not reduce to zero due to the delay buffer set up in System Settings > Scheduling called "Visit Verification Default End Time Delay". This default end time for visit verification allows user to set a buffer of time for caregivers to complete their visits before they get verified. Please see the Scheduling Updates section of the April 2022 Release Notes for additional information.
So, if the current visit verification end-time delay setting is configured to be "2 hours", you will see the time in the Visit End Date field as two hours prior to the current time. If you open Visit Verification at 10:23 AM, the Visit End Date field will show the time as 08:23 AM. When visit verification is run, the count may not be reduced to zero, as there could still be visits in "not approved status".
4. Why does a visit show an exception of "No Work Session" even when employee has clocked in and out of the visit?
This could happen if the caregiver clocked in and out of the visit after it was processed through the visit verification.
To remove this exception, you can update the visit status to "Not Approved" and re-run the visit through the verification process again.
5. How do I re-run verification for a visit that was already approved, and I made a change to verification rules?
If changes to visits/violation rules were made AFTER visit verification, the visit(s) will need their status changed to Unapproved to move them back into the "visit verification bucket" for the visit to be run through the new rules.
Please see steps below to un-approve a visit and run verification again:
- In the affected visit in Visit Verification, click down arrow next to Edit Status and choose "Not approved".
- Click on "Change Status" and you will see the visit will change to status "Not approved".
- Return to the Unverified Page and rerun for the end date of the visit(s) and client name(s).
This will allow these visits to be run through the new rules to determine if they should go into violation to be approved.
6. What does the effective date on the rule set mean?
The effective date on the rule set applies the visit exceptions based on the date of service of the visit. In other words, if the effective date on the rule set is set to today, it will be applicable to all visits starting today’s day and after. The rule set will not be applicable to any visits that are in the past.
Existing rule sets will be displayed by name with their effective date (if multiple versions exist) and version details. By default, the list will be filtered to the latest version of the rule sets.
7. I am trying to link reasons to some of my rules, however my reasons list is not populating.
This could happen if there are no associations available for the reason codes that are added in the system. Once associations are added, i.e., a reason name is linked to a resolution name under Accounting Settings > Verification Reasons > Associations, the reasons will show up under the drop-down menu while editing the rule sets.
For additional information regarding adding the Reasons, Resolutions and making an association between the two, please see this Zendesk article: How do I configure VV reasons and resolutions?
8. I ran visit verification, and the visit continues to remain under ‘Failed Verification’ tab with the exception ‘No Rule Set Found.’ The reason code is gray, and nothing can be selected.
The message “No rule set found” appears on a visit when there is no rule set linked for that visit either at a service code, payor, or a branch level.
Every visit that passes through the visit verification rule engine must fall into the category of one of the 3 for a rule set to be applied against. If you want the same rule set applied to everything you can set this at the branch level, as a fall back/generic option.
Please find additional information about how to create a rule set in this Zendesk article: How do I create rule sets and link them to service codes, payors and branches?
9. I ran visit verification today and several cancelled shifts were caught in VV (Visit Verification). From my understanding, cancelled shifts that do not have a billable/payable cancelled code would not be caught in VV.
This could happen if the "Visit Cancelled" rule type that is added in this rule set does not have any specification attached to it. You can create a new version of the existing rule set with an effective date and copy all the existing rule types.
Further, you can edit the Visit Cancelled rule type to flag visits with specific cancelled codes, and then set the remaining visits to approve or reject automatically, so that they are not caught under "Failed Verifications" tab.
Current Configuration:
Desired Configuration:
10. Some visits get incorrectly flagged in violation because of the Clocked In/Clock Out location but should not. For example, Clock In/Out were 240m away from the client's location according to the geo map, but they are flagged incorrectly as 4KMs away in Visit Verification.
This could happen if the client and or service address was updated after the clock in and clock out were completed on a visit. The mobile captures the distance delta at the time of clock in and out, so the next time the visits will not be flagged with incorrect clock in/out location.
11. I am trying to approve a visit from the Time Approval tab at the visit level, but this option is grayed out, and it does not allow me to perform the action.
This could happen if the visit verification workflow is enabled for the payor(s) for which you are trying to approve the visit. In this case, the visit(s) will need to be verified from Schedules > Visit Verification screen instead.
In addition, the Visit Verification (VV) workflow brings the following changes to the visit approval process:
- You can no longer edit the clock-in and clock-out times of a work session.
- Visits will be locked upon Approval
- The legacy visit approval page remains accessible, but all approval actions are removed.
12. I am getting an error “Queuing failed- duplicate criteria” on the Failed Verifications tab, when trying to reset visits to not approved status.
This could happen if multiple background jobs to change visits to "Not Approved" status are requested at the same time. You can either refresh the page or navigate back to the “Unverified” tab of the visit verification process before running the “Reset Visits to Not Approved” action again.
If none of these options work, please clear your browser cache and then attempt to perform this action.
Please follow the below mentioned steps to clear the cache:
- On your computer, open Chrome.
- Click More tools. Clear browsing data.
- At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
- Next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files," check the boxes.
- Click Clear data.
Once this is completed, you can re-login into AlayaCare and try to Reset the visits to "Not Approved" again.
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