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Employee and Employee Historical Explore Examples

AlayaCareAlex Administrator, Moderator admin
edited August 2023 in Data Exploration FAQs

In this post, you will see some examples of the data available in the Employee and Employee Historical Explore. For FAQs on Explores in DE 2.0, see this post.

  1. All User access within your AlayaCare production environment
  2. Employee notes
  3. Employee status on any given date

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1. All User access within your AlayaCare production environment

This is helpful when trying to confirm which users have which permissions in your organizations production environment.

2. Employee notes (e.g., Unemployment notes or general notes) found on an employee's profile

3. Employee status on any given date

The Employee Historical Status From Date and the Employee Historical Status fields will display the specific status and corresponding date when it occurred for the employee.